General Science Basic Info Quizzes Online for Preparation Mcqs
General Science Basic Info Quizzes Online for Preparation Mcqs

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The scientific study of teeth is called ____________?
A. Odontology
B. Ornithology
C. Orthoepy
D. Pedagogy
Blood which heart pumps to lungs is__________?
A. deoxygenated blood
B. lymph fluid
C. atria blood
D. oxygenated blood
Current stage of star ‘Sun’ is___________?
A. white dwarf
B. red giant
C. yellow dwarf
D. orange dwarf
If the length of a heater coil is reduced by 10% of its original length, then Power consumed by heater will?
A. Increase over 10%
B. Decrease by 10%
C. Decrease by 0.5%
D. Increase by 0.5%
Sunlight is composed of___________?
A. Three colours
B. six colours
C. seven colours
D. eight colours
Which is least Conductor of Electricity among the following?
A. Wood
B. Copper
C. Iron
D. Water
What does TCM stand for in medical terms?
A. Techno Circuit Module
B. Traditional Chinese medicine
C. Tetra Carbon Mono oxide
D. Tele Communication Management
Which Gas is used in the preparation of Soft drinks?
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Nitrogen
D. Halogen
______________ is used for measuring velocity?
A. Speedometer
B. Anemometer
C. Odometer
D. Hygrometer
In the manufacture of banaspati ghee the gas used is __________?
A. Helium
B. Hydrogen
C. Oxygen
D. Nitrogen
The chemical name of Laughing gas is___________?
A. Nitric oxide
B. Nitrogen dioxide
C. Nitrogen pentoxide
D. Nitrous oxide
Wood is the main raw material for the manufacture of ____________?
A. Paint
B. Gun powder
C. Paper
D. Ink
The pancreas secrets___________?
A. Insulin
B. Vitamin A
C. Bile juice
D. none of these
The common refrigerant used in domestic Refrigerator is_____________?
A. Neon
B. Spirit
C. Freon/Ammonia
D. Methane
A glass chimney stops an oil lamp from smoking because:
A. It increases the supply of oxygen to the flame by convection
B. The heat produced ensures complete
C. Both to these
D. Neither of these
Most drugs are excreted through_____________?
A. Kidney
B. Skin
C. Gallbladder
D. Lungs
Insulin drug was discovered by____________?
A. Charles Herbert Best
B. Prof John James Rickard Macleod
C. Sir Frederick Grant Banting
D. Leonard Thompson
When our sun reaches the end of its red giant phase, it will turn into a___________?
A. Supernova
B. White Dwarf
C. Black Hole
D. Neutron Star
What sub-class of neutron star is known for its extremely high magnetic field?
A. Magnetar
B. Quasar
C. Magneto
D. Magnetta
A pulsar is a rapidly spinning neutron star which emits:
A. A blinding light when it aligns with the planets
B. Radio waves detectable from Earth
C. A gravitational pull which attracts high energy dust particles
D. Enough energy to power itself indefinitely
In a typical H-R diagram, stars are graphed by these two characteristics:
A. Temperature and luminosity
B. Luminosity and distance
C. Distance and temperature
D. Size and distance
You have discovered a new celestial body. It has a thick atmosphere and it produces powerful cosmic winds and, when observed, the clouds obscure the body. You have determined it is this type of star.
A. Wolf-Rayet star
B. Red supergiant
C. Stellar storm
D. Pulsar
When a star becomes a singularity and has zero volume and infinite density, it is called_______________?
A. White dwarf
B. Blue giant
C. Wolf-Raynet star
D. Black hole
PSR J0108-1431 is the closest known ______________ to Earth?
A. Black hole
B. Red giant
C. Quasar
D. Pulsar
Particle clouds from where stars are formed are known as____________?
A. Stellar nurseries
B. Star clouds
C. Event horizons
D. Singularities
This in-between phase of stellar nurseries and star formation in stellar evolution is when the gathered dust is still condensing to form a star.
A. Alpha Stage
B. Stellar Genesis
C. Protostar
D. Star of Adam
Antares is of the largest known ___________?
A. Quasars Star
B. Pulsars Star
C. White Dwarfs Star
D. Red Super-giants Star
The sun is made up of 99.9% of ________________ and ______________?
A. Oxygen and Hydrogen
B. Hydrogen and Sulfur
C. Carbon and Silicon
D. Hydrogen and Helium
The Big Dipper is part of which constellation?
A. Ursa Major
B. Ursa Minor
C. The Great Bear
D. A. and C. above
What are the names of the two stars in the Big Dipper used to locate Polaris?
A. The North Seekers
B. The Pointer Stars
C. The Pointer Sisters
D. None of these
What causes the Moon’s phases?
A. The Sun lights up only one half of the Moon and as the Moon orbits the Earth we can sometimes see the unlit side of the Moon.
B. The Sun lights up only one half of the Moon and as the Sun orbits the Earth we can sometimes see the unlit side of the Moon.
C. The Earth’s shadow falls on the Moon, blocking the sunlight.
D. The Moon’s shadow falls on the Earth, blocking the sunlight.
The large dark patches on the Moon’s surface are known as___________?
A. Dark matter
B. Maria, or seas, even though there is no water on the Moon
C. Maria, or seas, because they are filled with water
D. Moon spots
Which one is the brightest star in the night sky?
A. Betelgeuse
B. Sirius
C. Rigel
D. Polaris
Oranges are rich source of____________?
A. Carbohydrates
B. Fats
C. Proteins
D. Vitamins
The SI standard of time is based on_____________?
A. the daily rotation of the earth
B. the frequency of light emitted by Kr86
C. the yearly revolution of the earth about the sun
D. a precision pendulum clock
E. none of these
During a total solar eclipse the rate of Photosynthesis___________?
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remain Constant
D. None of them
Water is a universal solvent for what reactions?
A. Chemical
B. Biochemical 
C. Physical
D. Nuclear
Which of the following is closest to a yard in length?
A. 0.01m
B. 0.1m
C. 1m
D. 10m
E. 100m
The SI base unit for mass is_____________?
A. Gram
B. Pound
C. Kilogram
D. Ounce
The average speed of a moving object during a given interval of time is always:
A. the magnitude of its average velocity over the interval
B. the distance covered during the time interval divided by the time interval
C. one-half its speed at the end of the interval
D. its acceleration multiplied by the time interval
E. one-half its acceleration multiplied by the time interval
All of the following statements are incorrect except:
A. Precision and accuracy should go side by side in a scientific work
B. Scientific work must be precise, accuracy is not essential
C. Scientific work must be accurate, precision is not essential
D. Calculations must be made before any experiment
An atom is_____________?
A. smallest indivisible particle in an element
B. smallest particle of an element which can undergo a chemical reaction
C. building block of an element
D. always smaller than molecule
Which of the following is a substance?
A. Sea water
B. Brass
C. Tape water
D. Graphite
E. Sand
Some substances are good conductor of electricity in both the solid and liquid states. These substances are generally______________?
A. ionic substances
B. metallic substances
C. molecular solids
D. covalent network solids
All of the following substances are crystalline except_____________?
A. Ice
B. Diamond
C. Sucrose
D. Plastic
Honey contain glucose and fructose along with some other ingredients, it has greater viscosity due to____________?
A. hydrogen bonding
B. irregular shape of the molecules
C. irregular shape of the molecules and strong inter-molecular forces
D. greater molecular size
Rate of evaporation of petrol is greater than that of water at room temperature because:
A. petrol molecules do not have any hydrogen bond
B. petrol is an organic compound
C. water molecules have small size
D. petrol molecules have greater size
The increasing vapor pressure caused by heating a liquid is due to___________?
A. increase inter-molecular interactions
B. increasing potential energy of molecules
C. increasing kinetic energy of molecules
D. decreasing surface tension
Covalent network crystals have_____________?
A. higher melting point then molecular crystals
B. lower melting point then molecular crystals
C. discrete molecules linked by Van der waals forces
D. hydrogen bonding
Color of the glow produced in the discharge tube:
A. depends on the pressure in the discharge tube
B. depends on the metal used as cathode
C. depends on the gas used in the discharge tube
D. does not depend on the nature of the gas used in the discharge tube
Nuclear radiation is emitted by those elements whose:
A. molecules are stable
B. molecules are unstable
C. nuclei are stable
D. nuclei are unstable
Second ionization energy:
A. is always less than first ionization energy
B. is always greater than first ionization energy
C. is equal to the first ionization energy
D. may be greater or less than the first ionization energy depending on the nature of the element
All of the following are electromagnetic radiations except__________?
A. Red light
B. Sound waves
C. X-Rays
D. Photon
Which of the following has the highest energy?
A. gamma rays
B. X-rays
C. Ultra-violet radiation
D. radio waves
Which of the following has the largest wavelength?
A. visible light
B. x-rays
C. infrared light
D. ultraviolet radiation
Select the arrangement of electromagnetic radiation which starts with the lowest energy and increases to greatest energy?
A. radio, visible, infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma ray
B. radio, infrared, visible, x-ray, gamma ray, ultraviolet
C. visible, radio, infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma ray
D. radio, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma ray
“Each electron in an atom must have its own unique set of quantum numbers” is a statement of_______________?
A. Aufbau principle
B. Pauli exclusion principle
C. Hund’s rule
D. Periodic law
One of the following ways of expressing the concentration of a solution does not depend on temperature. It is__________?
A. Molarity
B. Molality
C. Normality
D. Formality
A substance which increases the efficiency of a catalyst is termed as:
A. Promoter
B. Activator
C. Retarder
D. Super catalyst
The amount of energy required by the children of age between one to three years is___________?
A. 300 k Calories
B. 600 k Calories
C. 900 k Calories
D. 1200 k Calories
According to the definition of 1 KWh, a 100 watt bulb consumes one unit of electricity in____________?
A. 1 hours
B. 5 hours
C. 10 hours
D. 15 hours
In eye donation, which one of the following parts of donor’s eye is utilized ?
A. Iris
B. Lens
C. Cornea
D. Retina
The ‘stone’ formed in human kidney consist mostly of_____________?
A. Calcium oxalate
B. Sodium acetate
C. Magnesium sulphate
D. Calcium
Approximately, how many times each day do our heart valves open and close normally?
A. 10,000
B. 1,00,000
C. 1,50,000
D. 2,00,000
Quantity of fresh air required for a man is 1000 cubic feet of air for every____________?
A. 5 minutes
B. 10 minutes
C. 15 minutes
D. 20 minutes
What kind of weathering takes place on the valley side above the surface of the glacier?
A. Plucking
B. Abrasion
C. Chemical weathering
D. Frost shattering
Rainfall related to mountains is:
A. Orographic rainfall
B. Normal rainfall
C. Monsoon rains
D. Cyclonic rainfall
What is meant by “Equinox”?
A. The longest day
B. The shortest day
C. The sun-month long day
D. Equal duration of day and night
The distance of longitude represents how many minutes difference in time?
A. 10 minutes
B. 4 minutes
C. 15 minutes
D. 1 minute
The season changes because of the ____________?
A. Moon is revolving round the earth
B. Earth is revolving round its axis
C. Earth is revolving round the sun
D. Planet Mars is attracting the sun
The largest latitude circle on earth is ________?
A. Arctic circle
B. Tropic of cancer
C. Tropic of Capricorn
D. The Equator
The oldest barrage on the river Indus at Sukkur was built in_____?
A. 1932
B. 1940
C. 1930
D. 1928
Afternoon rains in the equatorial region are the result of influences _______?
A. Land Breeze
B. Monsoon
C. Frontal
D. Convectional
When a warm air is lifted off the surface in temperature depression it is called ________?
A. An occlusion
B. A cold front
C. An anticyclone
D. A warm front
Water vapour turns into clouds in the atmosphere when:
A. It rains
B. The temperature rise
C. Dew point is reached
D. Evaporation takes place
Weather describe the condition of ______ at any one time.
A. The earth
B. The land surface
C. The atmosphere
D. The ionosphere
The Stevenson screen contains all of these EXCEPT:
A. Wet bulb thermometer
B. Maximum thermometer
C. Ordinary thermometer
D. Anemometer
A wind which reverses seasonally is known as_____?
A. Trade
B. Cyclonic
C. Monsoon
D. Polar
A canyon is a large form of ________?
A. Dry valley
B. Gorge
C. Pediment
D. Badiand
Which of the statements to about the Troposphere is not true?
A. It contains 85-90% of the atmosphere’s mass
B. It contains nearly all the water and oxygen of the atmosphere
C. It is the zone which exhibits changes in condition of weather
D. It is about 350 km thick
The final phase of a star’s evolution is determined by the star’s:
A. Age
B. Gravitational pull
C. Density
D. Mass
Which of these is not a Metamorphic rock?
A. Quartzite
B. Slate
C. Gneiss
D. Schist
E. Diorite ✓
Bore is caused by______?
A. Rising tide while meeting river currents
B. Friction from prevailing winds
C. Spring tide and strong winds
D. Unequal heating of oceans
The strength of wave action depends on all these EXCEPT:
A. Currents in the sea
B. Wind strength
C. Depth of coastal water
D. Height of waves
The areas around the North and South poles within the Polar circles is called _____________?
A. The Torrid Zone
B. The Frigid Zone
C. The Temperature Zone
D. The Hardiness Zone
In the Composition of the earth, Aluminum is _______________?
A. 27.5%
B. 20.3%
C. 14.5%
D. 8.23%
“Rancidity produced in butter can be decreased by adding quinoline to the butter”. This statements shows that _______________?
A. Nothing is impossible
B. Quinoline is an inhibitor
C. Quinoline is a catalyst
D. Quinoline is an activator
Gulf streams are caused by__________.
A. Cyclones
B. Ocean Pressure
C. Temperature
D. Difference in water level
The production of rubber tree is better adopted to areas where the climate is_________
A. Warm and humid
B. Warm and dry
C. Cool and moist
D. cool and dry
There are three types of plate boundaries i.e Divergent, Convergent and____________
A. Normal
B. Transform
C. Complex
D. Plain
The speed of light with the rise in the temperature of the medium____________?
A. Decrease
B. Increase
C. Remain the same
D. First decrease then increase
AIDS virus is______________________
A. Single-stranded RNA
B. Single-stranded DNA
C. Double-stranded RNA
D. Double-stranded DNA
Bore is caused by______?
A. Rising tide while meeting river currents
B. Friction from prevailing winds
C. Spring tide and strong winds
D. Unequal heating of oceans
The strength of wave action depends on all these EXCEPT:
A. Currents in the sea
B. Wind strength
C. Depth of coastal water
D. Height of waves
The areas around the North and South poles within the Polar circles is called _____________?
A. The Torrid Zone
B. The Frigid Zone
C. The Temperature Zone
D. The Hardiness Zone
In the Composition of the earth, Aluminum is _______________?
A. 27.5%
B. 20.3%
C. 14.5%
D. 8.23%
“Rancidity produced in butter can be decreased by adding quinoline to the butter”. This statements shows that _______________?
A. Nothing is impossible
B. Quinoline is an inhibitor
C. Quinoline is a catalyst
D. Quinoline is an activator
Gulf streams are caused by__________.
A. Cyclones
B. Ocean Pressure
C. Temperature
D. Difference in water level
The production of rubber tree is better adopted to areas where the climate is_________
A. Warm and humid
B. Warm and dry
C. Cool and moist
D. cool and dry
There are three types of plate boundaries i.e Divergent, Convergent and____________
A. Normal
B. Transform
C. Complex
D. Plain
The speed of light with the rise in the temperature of the medium____________?
A. Decrease
B. Increase
C. Remain the same
D. First decrease then increase
AIDS virus is______________________
A. Single-stranded RNA
B. Single-stranded DNA
C. Double-stranded RNA
D. Double-stranded DNA
Which Vitamin gets destroyed on heating?
A. B
B. E
C. K
D. C
Cow milk is a rich source of____________?
A. vitamin C
B. vitamin B
C. vitamin A
D. vitamin K
Which of the following vitamins is synthesized in the body by intestinal bacteria_______?
A. Vitamins B1
B. Vitamins B12
C. Vitamins E
D. Vitamins K
Mercury is also known as_________?
A. Shine Silver
B. Quick Silver
C. Slow Silver
D. Slippery Silver
what kind of soil is treated with gypsum to make it suitable for cropping______?
A. Alkaline
B. Acidic
C. Waterlogged
D. Soil with excessive clay content
Phobos is the natural satellite of which planet__________ ?
A. Mars
B. Venus
C. Saturn
D. Neptune
Galvanised Iron sheets have a coating of____________
A. Tin
B. Silver
C. Zinc
D. Chromium
Spinach leaves are rich source of________
A. Amino acid
B. Iron 
C. Vitamin E
D. Carotene
Which pollutant from motor car exhaust causes mental disease _____?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Lead
C. Sulpher Dioxide
D. Mercury
The ratio of pure gold in 18 carat gold is _______________?
A. 0.5
B. 0.9
C. 0.8.5
D. 0.75
What is the element required for solar energy conversion ______?
A. Ultra pure carbon
B. Silicon
C. Beryllium
D. Tantalum
An element that does not occur in nature but can be produced artificially is__________?
A. Plutonium
B. Uranium
C. Radium
D. Thorium
Muscle fatigue is caused by the accumulation of___________?
A. Uric acid
B. Lactic acid
C. Oxalacetic acid
D. Fyruvie acid
The total energy of revolving electron in an atom_____________
A. Will always be positive
B. Can never be positive
C. Can have any value above zero
D. Cannot be negative
The Virus of AIDS affects the growth of_____________?
A. Hemoglobin
B. RBCs in blood
C. T cells in blood
D. Grey Cells in blood
The vitamin which is generally excreted by humans in urine is__________?
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin B12
D. Vitamin C
Which of the following metal occurs in free state ______________?
A. Lead
B. Iron
C. Mercury
D. Copper
Magnalium is an alloy of_____________?
A. Magnesium and Lead
B. Aluminium and Zinc
C. Aluminium and Magnesium
D. Aluminium and Mercury
By which process copper is refined ____________?
A. Roasting
B. Oxidation
C. Zone Refining
D. Electrolysis
In which part of the eye lies the pigment that decides the colour of the eyes of a person___?
A. Retina
B. Iris
C. Cornea
D. Pupal
Which among the following is responsible for producing color of human skin ___?
A. Insulin
B. Vitamin K
C. Melanin
Which one of the following can be synthesized by Liver _______?
A. Vitamin B6
B. Vitamin B12
C. Vitamin K
D. Vitamin E
What is/are the basic purpose(s) of dams?
A. Storage of water in a large reservoir
B. Generation of electricity
C. Control of floods
D. All of the above
The point that lies directly above the source of an earthquake is known as _______________ ?
A. Earthquake Center
B. Epicenter
C. Gravitational Center
D. Geological Center
Which one is the world’s largest mangrove forest(s)?
A. Changa Manga Forest
B. Amazon Forest
C. Sundarbans Forest
D. None of the above
The rocks formed out of layers of sediment bonded together are known as _______________?
A. Metamorphic rocks
B. Sedimentary rocks
C. Igneous rocks
D. All of the above
What is the name of the central part of the earth?
A. Mantle
B. Core
C. Crust
D. None of the above
Evaporation from ice and snow is known as___________?
A. evaporation
B. sublimation
C. hydrogenation
D. insolation
Ice mass that covers more than fifty-thousand square kilometers of land area is classified as____________?
A. ice sheet
B. ice field
C. glacier erosions
D. ice cap
Pedosphere is sum of_____________?
A. Organisms
B. Soil and water
C. Air
D. All of above
Sum of all ecosystems is classified as___________?
A. Aero sphere
B. Ionosphere
C. Biosphere
D. Ozonosphere
Average salinity or ratio of salt as per kilogram of water of ocean is__________?
A. 35 grams
B. 55 grams
C. 32 grams
D. 42 grams
The protein content in wheat is approximately_______________?
A. 6%
B. 9%
C. 12%
D. 15%
Alzheimer’s disease in human beings is characterized by the degeneration of _______
A. Kidney cells
B. Nerve cells
C. Liver cells
D. Spleen cells
The protein content of edible portion of egg is___________?
A. 13 %
B. 13.3%
C. 14 %
D. 14.5%
Vitamin A is found in the____________?
A. Green vegetables 
B. white vegetables
C. Yellow vegetables
D. Red vegetables
On passing through food stuff, X-ray can kill the___________?
A. Fungus
B. Virus
C. Bacteria 
D. insects
Intrinsic Semi-conductor is also known as__________?
A. Impure-Conductor
B. Pure-Conductor
C. Simple Conductor
D. None of these
Diameter of Sun is_____________?
A. 12 Lakh kms
B. 13 Lakh kms
C. 14 Lakh kms
D. 15 Lakh kms
Which is correct order of solar system starting from Sun ?
A. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
B. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus
C. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus
D. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Big Bang was an explosion that occurred ?
A. 10 Billion years ago
B. 15 Billion years ago
C. 20 Billion years ago
D. 25 Billion years ago
Big Bang theory explains_____________?
A. Origin of Universe
B. Origin of Sun
C. Laws of physics
D. None of above
Approximately how many Galaxies are there ?
A. 10 Billion Galaxies
B. 100 Billion Galaxies
C. 1000 Billion Galaxies
D. 10000 Billion Galaxies
Study of the Universe is known as___________?
A. Sociology
B. Cosmology
C. Universology
D. Petology
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)______________?
A. helps line up cell proteins
B. is poisonous to tissues
C. is often needed as a catalyst
D. aids in oxidation of glucose
Which of the following is a mammal?
A. Ostrich
B. Crocodile
C. Platypus
D. Duck
A man can survive without food for atleast?
A. 1 month
B. 2 month
C. 3 month
D. 4 month
Places experiencing equal impact of an earthquake are called_________________?
A. Seismic lines
B. Seismic built
C. Seismic plates
D. Seismic waves
Border line which separates outer space from Earth’s atmosphere is known as___________?
A. Durand line
B. Space line
C. Venus line
D. Karman line
Second layer of Earth’s atmosphere is__________?
A. Stratosphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Troposphere
D. Thermosphere
what is the height of The atmosphere layer mesosphere?
A. 85 km
B. 50 km
C. 40 km
D. 10 km
Bromine is a___________________?
A. black solid
B. red-brown liquid
C. colourless gas
D. highly inflammable gas
The variety of coal in which the deposit contains recognizable traces of the original plant material is____________?
A. bitumen
B. anthracite
C. lignite
D. peat
The property of a substance to absorb moisture from the air on exposure is called____________?
A. osmosis
B. deliquescence
C. efflorescence
D. desiccation
An extremely small piece of silicon on which integrated circuits are implicated is called __________________?
A. Card Reader
B. Hollerith Code
C. Feed
D. Chip
Earth is closest to the sun every year in early ______________, when it’s winter for the Northern Hemisphere. We’re farthest away from the sun in early __________________, during our Northern Hemisphere summer.
A. January – July
B. June – December
C. July – January
D. December – June
What is it called when the Earth is closest to the sun _____________?
A. Aphelion
B. Perihelion
C. Apoapsis
D. Periapsis
Circadian Rhythm refers to _____________?
A. Planetary movements
B. Formation of galaxies
C. Human body cycles
D. Calisthenics
Fuzzy logic is a part of_________________?
A. Aristotle’s philosophy
B. Computer science
C. Epicurianism
D. Sophism
Which of the following conditions related to smoking involves damage to the alveoli sacs?
A. Lung Cancer
B. Atherosclerosis
C. Emphysema
D. Asthma
How does smoking cigarettes impact the red blood cells?
A. Decreases their ability to congeal
B. Decreases their ability to carry oxygen
C. Decreases their ability to reach their typical life duration
D. Decreases their ability to cleanse wounds
What is the addictive drug in tobacco ______________?
A. Ethanol
B. Nicotine
C. Ammonia
D. Tar
Which of the following chemicals is not found in tobacco smoke?
A. Chlorine bleach
B. Rocket fuel
C. Nail polish remover
D. Barbecue lighter fluid
The atmospheric greenhouse effect is produced mainly by the __________________?
A. Absorption and re-emission of visible light by the atmosphere
B. Absorption and re-emission of ultraviolet radiation by the atmosphere
C. Absorption and re-emission of infrared radiation by the atmosphere
D. Absorption and re-emission of visible light by clouds
E. Absorption and re-emission of visible light by the ground
At what time of day is the relative humidity normally at a minimum ________________ ?
A. When the air temperature is highest
B. Just before sunrise
C. About midnight
D. When the air temperature is lowest
Water vapor is ______________?
A. A gas
B. A cloud droplet
C. A rain drop
D. A snowflake
Acid deposition causes ______________________?
A. the greenhouse effect to lessen
B. lakes and forests to die
C. acid indigestion in humans
D. all the above are correct
Salinization is ___________?
A. Accumulation of salts in water
B. Accumulation of salts in soil
C. Accumulation of salts in body
D. Accumulation of salts in animals
The gradual physiological adjustment to slowly changing new environmental conditions is known as _____________________?
A. Selection
B. Introduction
C. Acclimatization
D. Quarantine
Tibia is a bone found in the ____________?
A. Skull
B. Arm
C. Leg
D. Face
Which is the largest gland in the human body?
A. Thyroid
B. Liver
C. Pancreas
D. None of these
Water has maximum density at____________?
A. 0°C
B. 4°C
C. 4° K
D. 4.8°C
The scientific study of livings is called?
A. Anatomy
B. Biology
C. Geology
D. Zoology
The word “BIOLOGY” has been derived from_________ word?
A. Latin
B. English
C. Greek
D. French
According to modern system of taxonomy, living organisms have been classified into?
A. Three Kingdoms
B. Five Kingdoms
C. Two Kingdoms
D. Six Kingdoms
Kingdom Protoctista includes____________?
A. Fungi
B. Prokaryotes
E. protists
D. Piantae
Kingdom Fungi includes_______________?
A. A cellular, eukaryotic organisms
B. Non-chlorophylls, multicellular eukaiyotlc organisms
C. Non-chlorophylls, multicellular,thailophytic organisms
D. both B and C
Earthworm is included in_____________?
A. Kingdom Plantae
B. Kingdom Protoctista
C. Kingdom Monera
D. Kingdom Animalia
The Study of organisms inhabiting the sea and Ocean and the physical and chemical characteristics of their environment is:
A. Social Biology
B. Marine Biology
C. Environmental Biology
D. Fresh Water Biology
Tibia is a bone found in the ____________?
A. Skull
B. Arm
C. Leg
D. Face
Which is the largest gland in the human body?
A. Thyroid
B. Liver
C. Pancreas
D. None of these
Water has maximum density at____________?
A. 0°C
B. 4°C
C. 4° K
D. 4.8°C
The scientific study of livings is called?
A. Anatomy
B. Biology
C. Geology
D. Zoology
The word “BIOLOGY” has been derived from_________ word?
A. Latin
B. English
C. Greek
D. French
According to modern system of taxonomy, living organisms have been classified into?
A. Three Kingdoms
B. Five Kingdoms
C. Two Kingdoms
D. Six Kingdoms
Kingdom Protoctista includes____________?
A. Fungi
B. Prokaryotes
E. protists
D. Piantae
Kingdom Fungi includes_______________?
A. A cellular, eukaryotic organisms
B. Non-chlorophylls, multicellular eukaiyotlc organisms
C. Non-chlorophylls, multicellular,thailophytic organisms
D. both B and C
Earthworm is included in_____________?
A. Kingdom Plantae
B. Kingdom Protoctista
C. Kingdom Monera
D. Kingdom Animalia
The Study of organisms inhabiting the sea and Ocean and the physical and chemical characteristics of their environment is:
A. Social Biology
B. Marine Biology
C. Environmental Biology
D. Fresh Water Biology
The atmosphere near the earth’s surface is “heated from below.” Which of the following does not significantly contribute to this heating _____________________?
A. Conduction of heat upward from a hot surface
B. Convection from a hot surface
C. Absorption of infrared energy that has been radiated from the surface
D. Heat energy from the earth’s interior
The blueness of the sky is mainly due to _____________?
A. The scattering of sunlight by air molecules
B. The presence of water vapor
C. Absorption of blue light by the air
D. Emission of blue light by the atmosphere
Fatal degenerative lung disease caused by particulate asbestos is referred to as _____________?
A. asbestosis
B. asthma
C. allergy
D. sinusitis
In middle latitudes, which cloud will have the lowest base ________________________ ?
A. Cirrostratus
B. Stratocumulus
C. Altocumulus
D. Cirrus
The pyramid of energy in any ecosystem is _________?
A. Always upright
B. May be upright or invented
C. Always inverted
D. Always Circle
When oil and gas resources are burnt they kill many forests and lakes by ________________ ?
A. deforestation
B. water pollution
C. acid rain
D. forest fire
Fog that most often forms as warm rain falls into a cold layer of surface air is called ______________?
A. Radiation fog
B. Evaporation (mixing) fog
C. Advection fog
D. Upslope fog
Fine organic or inorganic particles suspended in air is called _______________?
A. particulate pollutant
B. gaseous pollutant
C. aerosol
D. none of these
Barnacles growing on the back of whale is an example for ________________?
A. mutualism
B. parasitism
C. amensalism
D. commensalism
A term biotype means ___________?
A. all individuals having same phenotype
B. all individuals having same genotype
C. all individual with different phenotype
D. all individuals with different genotype
The temperature at which water boils depends mainly on ____________?
A. Air temperature
B. Relative humidity
C. Air pressure
D. Air density
E. The specific heat of air
The earth’s atmosphere is divided into layers based on the vertical profile of __________?
A. Air pressure
B. Air temperature
C. Air density
D. Wind speed
Melanoma (skin cancer) is associated with ______________?
A. ozone accumulation
B. ozone depletion
C. acid rain
D. allergens
In human body there are_________________kinds of bones?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Types of bones in human body are: Long, short, irregular and ____________?
A. Flat
B. Medium
C. Regular
D. Rough
There are__________ kinds of Joints in human body?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
Tesla is the unit of_________________________?
A. Magnetic Field Strength
B. Electric Field Strength
C. Gravitational Field Strength
D. Nuclear Field Strength
Siemens is the unit of__________________?
A. Electrical Conductance
B. Magnetic Conductance
C. Electrical Capacitance
D. Magnetic Capacitance
Steradian is the unit of_______________?
A. Solid angle
B. Liquid angle
C. Gas angle
D. Plain angle
Candela is the basic unit of_________________?
A. luminous intensity
B. heat producing value
C. Thermodynamic temperature
D. radioactive decay
“Elephant” large unit of paper measurement equal to 28 by__________
A. 23 inches
B. 25 inches
C. 28 inches
D. 31 inches
The outermost layer of skin is the__________?
A. endodermis
B. dermis
C. epidermis
D. hypodermis
Which are the largest of the white blood cells?
A. lymphocytes
B. eosinophils
C. basophils
D. monocytes
The instrument that measures temperature, pressure, and humidity at various altitudes in the atmosphere ___________?
A. Barograph
B. Radiosonde
C. Aneroid barometer
D. Altimeter
The species that flower are called ______________?
A. Gymnosperms
B. Bryophytes
C. Angiosperms
D. Algae
Basidiospores are considered to be a major source of ___________?
A. airborne allergens
B. water borne allergens
C. animal faeces
D. bio-weapon
Pollutants that are introduced into the environment by human activity are called as ___________?
A. Qualitative pollutants
B. Quantitative pollutants
C. Anthropogenic pollutant
D. All of Above
An example of an abiotic component __________?
A. Plants
B. Soil
C. Animals
D. Bacteria
What is the mass of the Sun?
A. 1.5×10 Power 30 Kg
B. 1.98×10 Power 30 Kg
C. 4.5×10 Power 30 Kg
D. 8×10 Power 30 Kg
What is the temperature at the center of the Sun?
A. 6 million °C
B. 10 million °C
C. 15 million °C
D. 20 million °C
The top atmosphere of the Earth directly reflects back into space nearly what part of the total amount of sun’s energy coming to it?
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 50%
The phases of the moon are partially the result of the____________?
A. Changes in the shape of the moon
B. Revolution of the moon around the earth
C. Variations in the moon’s gravitation
D. Variations in the speed of rotation of the moon
‘Black holes’ refers to_______________?
A. Holes occurring in heavenly bodies
B. Bright spots on the sun
C. Collapsing object of high density
D. Collapsing object of low density
Constellations referred to as zodiac, are__________?
A. Imaginary regions that encompass the path of the planets
B. Signs of Roman gods
C. A group of stars
D. None of these
Which one of the following is not a unit of distance?
A. Parsec
B. Astronomical Unit
C. Light Year
D. Foot Candle
Which on of the following planets orbits around the sun in a clockwise direction?
A. Earth
B. Mercury
C. Jupiter
D. Venus
Isobars are the lines connecting the places having same:___________?
A. Pressure
B. Rainfall
C. Height
D. Temperature
Spring tides occur on new moon and full moon days because on these days_____________?
A. Sun, moon and earth are in a straight line
B. Sun and earth are at right angles
C. Sun and moon are at right angles
D. Earth and moon are at right angles
Which of the following planets is fastest rotating planet?
A. Mercury
B. Marx
C. Jupiter
D. Venus
Which of the following planets has the smallest diameters_____?
A. Mercury
B. Marx
C. Pluto
D. Venus
Which of the following is the largest planet?
A. Neptune
B. Jupiter
C. Saturn
D. Mars
Who was the first to measure the earth’s radius
A. Galileo
B. Copernicus
C. Ptolemy
D. Eratosthenes
Which is the nearest star to our sun?
A. Proxima Centurai
B. Alpha Scorpii
C. Beta Orionis
D. Vega
The Lunar eclipse occurs when:
A. Moon is b/w the earth and the sun
B. Earth is b/w the sun and the moon
C. Sun is b/w the earth and the moon
D. Earth is at right angles to the direction of the sun and the moon
Most important effect of the moon on earth is that it___________?
A. Causes weather change
B. Causes earthquakes
C. Causes solar and lunar eclipse
D. Effects tides of the ocean
Among the planets of the Solar system the position of the Earth from the Sun is:_________?
A. Second
B. Third
C. Fourth
D. Sixth
Which of the followong spacecrsft enabled man to step on the moon first?
A. Spuntnik I
B. Luna II
C. Vostok I
D. Apollo XI
Hailey’s comet is visible after every_________?
A. 84 years
B. 76 years
C. 1000 years
D. 365 years
The setting sun often looks oval in the shape because of__________?
A. The fact that sun really becomes oval in the evening
B. Refraction of rays of sun passing through the atmosphere
C. Optical Illusion
D. Dispersion
Which one of the following is applicable to the planet ‘Venus’?
C.Most dense
Study of current and past landscapes formation is known as____________?
A. Morphology
B. Aero logy
C. Geo-morphology
D. Biology
Central Color of Rainbow is__________?
A. Blue
B. Green
C. Red
D. Indigo
who invented bulb?
A. Philips
B. Robert
C. Edison
D. Willium
Glucose syrup is made from__________?
A. oat
B. wheat
C. maize
D. rice
Bamboo is a__________?
A. Herb
B. Grass
C. Shurb
D. Tree
Lactometer is used for__________?
A. Ship
B. Milk
C. Honey
D. None
X-rays were discovered by __________?
A. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
B. Thomson
C. Ernest Rutherford
D. Bacquerel
The gravitational pull at the lunar surface is ________ of Earth?
A. 1/3
B. 1/4
C. 1/5
D. 1/6
Year is longest on:___________?
A. Jupiter
B. Earth
C. Mercury
D. Mars
Segmented Worms take breath through:_________?
A. Mouth
B. Nose
C. Moist Skin
D. Head
The most brightest planet amongst the eight planets?
A. Mercury
B. Jupiter
C. Venus
D. Neptune
Who discovered the Gamma Rays?
A. Alfred Marshall
B. Paul Villard
C. Bohar
D. Jabar bin Hayan
Which of the following female mosquito is the cause of Dengue fever?
A. Aedes Aegypteis
B. Anophilies
C. Barinohils
D. N.O.A
Hepatitis is a disease of which of the following organ?
A. Heart
B. Liver
C. Lungs
D. Brain
International date line passes through which strait?
A. Malacca Strait
B. Adam Strait
C. Bering Strait
D. Java Strait
Pathology is the study of____________?
A. Ethics
B. Disease
C. Future
D. Cancer
Which metallic element is liquid at room temperature?
A. Zinc
B. Nickel
C. Lead
D. Mercury
The strongest part(s) of a magnet is/are _________?
A. North pole
B. South pole
C. North and south pole
D. Median of north and south pole
A loudspeaker changes _________ energy into sound energy.
A. Chemical
B. Electrical
C. Light
D. Kinetic
Which Planet has purple rocks according to NASA ?
A. Jupitar
B. Neptune
C. Earth
D. Mars
Battery was invented by__________?
A. Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot
B. Alessandro Volta
C. Michael Faraday
D. Friedrich Bessel
The horizontal rows of the periodic table are called ______?
A. Groups
B. Periods
C. Sets
D. Matrices
Sun is moving around the centre of the galaxy at a velocity of _______ km/s?
A. 205
B. 210
C. 215
D. 220
The sun is containing _______ % mass of the solar system?
A. 75.24%
B. 79.36%
C. 89.10%
D. 99.86%
Sun is divided into ______ main layers.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Sun revolves around milky way in about _____ million years.
A. 225
B. 230
C. 245
D. 250
Which of the following Rays are more Penetrating?
A. Beta rays
B. Alpha rays
C. Gamma rays
D. X-rays
Which element is used as moderator in nuclear reactor?
A. Light water
B. Dense water
C. Fresh water
D. Heavy water
Dengue Fever is also called___________?
A. Black Fever
B. Breakbone Fever
C. Plasmodium Fever
D. Remittent Fever
1 BTU(British thermal unit) is equal to___________?
A. 955 joules
B. 990 joules
C. 1055 joules
D. 1211 joules
Microphone converts sound energy into ___________?
A. Microwaves
B. Electrical signals
C. Optical Signals
D. Heat energy
How long does the earth take to cover 1° longitude?
A. 2 Minutes
B. 3 Minutes
C. 4 Minutes
D. 5 Minutes
Rusting of Iron involves_______________?
A. Reduction
B. Oxidation
C. Decomposition
D. Displacement
Glass is made of the mixture of______________?
A. Quartz and Mica
B. Sand and Salt
C. Sand and Silicates
D. None of these
The major ingredient of leather is__________________?
A. Collagen
B. Polymer
C. Nucleic acid
D. None of these
The Planet of the solar system which has Maximum number of moons is___________?
A. Jupiter
B. Venus
C. Saturn
D. Uranus
Boiling of an egg is a change which is__________?
A. Physical
B. Chemical
C. Physiological
D. Morphological
What is the effect of height increase over temperature?
A. Temperature increase
B. Temperature decrease
C. Remains constant
D. None
Lack of _______ causes diabetes?
A. Vitamins
B. Sugar
C. Insulin
D. Calcium
which Planet is Called Earth’s Sister?
A. Mercury
B. Venus
C. Mars
D. Neptune
what are stars mainly made of ?
A. Balls of gass
B. Rock
C. Ice
D. Light
Japan is called ‘Land of the rising sun’ because:
A. Sun rises there as soon as it sets
B. Sun always remains in the eastern past of the sky throughout the day in Japan
C. Japan being the Eastern most country in the world, it has the earliest sunrise
D. The rays of the sun get reflected from the waters of the sea and make the sunrise beautiful in Japan
Water vapour beyond the dew point result in_________?
A. Precipitation
B. Hailstorm
C. Condensation 
D. Formation of ice
The volume of Blood in a Human body to be approximately _________ of body weight?
A. 6%
B. 7%
C. 8%
D. 9%
Cause of Malaria is ________?
A. Dirty environment
B. Pollution
C. Mosquito
D. None of above
Largest Galaxy in the Universe is_________?
A. Andromeda Galaxy
B. Milky-Way
C. Spiral Galaxy
D. Horseshoe Galaxy
Largest moon in our solar system is ________?
A. Deimos
B. Ganymede
C. Phobos
D. Arche
In which layer of atmosphere does commercial aircrafts usually fly?
A. Stratosphere
B. Troposphere
C. Mesosphere
D. Thermosphere
Which gas was discovered on the sun about 151 years ago during total solar eclipse?
A. Hydrogen
B. Helium
C. Nitrogen
D. Flourine
Approximate age of sun is _________?
A. 4.4 billion years
B. 4.5 billion years
C. 4.6 billion years
D. 4.7 billion years
Approximate age of moon is _________?
A. 4.51 billion years
B. 4.55 billion years
C. 4.53 billion years
D. 4.57 billion years
Approximate age of earth is ________?
A. 4.14 billion years
B. 4.64 billion years
C. 4.54 billion years
D. 4.34 billion years
Approximate age of milky-way is ________?
A. 16.5 billion years
B. 15.5 billion years
C. 13.5 billion years
D. 14.5 billion years
Nearest galaxy to our milky way is ________?
A. Messier 81
B. Andromeda
C. Triangulum
D. Whirlpool
One Astronomical unit is equal to how much Km in whole numbers?
A. 160 million km
B. 140 million km
C. 150 million km
D. 130 million km
The hard, solid rocks, whose composition or texture has been changed by heat or pressure in the Earth are called____________?
A. Sedimentary rocks
B. Metamorphic rocks
C. Igneous rocks
D. All of the above
Most abundant color in Earth is_________?
A. Blue
B. Green
C. Brown
D. Black
Vitamin C deficiency leads to:____________?
A. Scurvy
B. Cold
C. Cancer
D. Rickets
Which of the following is a function of Vitamin A in the body?
A. Vision, bone and body growth
B. Immune defenses, maintenance of body linings and skin
C. Normal cell development and reproduction
D. All of the above
Common food sources of Vitamin A are:___________?
A. Milk, eggs, butter, cheese, cream, and liver
B. White sugar, honey, and sugar cane
C. Broccoli, apricots, cantaloupe, carrots, sweet potato, spinach
D. Both A and C
The vitamin Folate works together with __________ to produce new red blood cells?
A. Vitamin D
B. Vitamin A
C. Vitamin B-12
D. None of the above
Which of the following is not a water soluble vitamin?
A. Tocopherol
B. Pyridoxine
C. Pantothenic acid
D. Niacin
Which of the following is not a Fat-soluble vitamin?
A. Vitamin B5
B. Vitamin B6
C. Vitamin B3
D. Vitamin B2
Deficiency of Iodine causes:____________?
A. Anemia
B. Scurvy
C. Goiter
D. Rickets
Growth is provided by________?
A. Protein
B. Minerals
C. Vitamins
D. Carbohydrates
The Percentage of Water used for Drinking in the world is?
A. 1%
B. 10%
C. 3%
D. 5%
In Space, our Body_______?
A. Gains Weight
B. Loses Weight
C. No Change
D. Little Change
One Quintal is Equal to___________?
A. 70 kg
B. 80 kg
C. 90 kg
D. 100 kg
The Scientist who told “Heat is a form of Energy” was___________?
A. Thomas Alva Edison
B. Newton
C. Joule
D. Kepler
The Time taken for sunlight to reach the Earth is___________?
A. 700 sec
B. 8hrs 20 mins
C. 8 mins 20 sec
D. 8 mins
The Mirror used in the Automobiles are___________?
A. Concave
B. Convex
C. Plains
D. Reflective
The distance b/w Earth and Moon is___________?
A. 3,50,000km
B. 3,60,100km
C. 3,72,000km
D. 3,84,400km
How long does it take for the moon to orbit the earth once?
A. 26.3 days
B. 27.3 days
C. 28.3 days
D. 30.3 days
The density of Air is_____________?
A. 0.225 kg/m3
B. 1.025 kg/m3
C. 1.225 kg/m3
D. 1.425 kg/m3
Density of Ice is_________?
A. 800kg/m3
B. 917kg/m3
C. 930kg/m3
D. 1000kg/m3
Wind always blows from area of ________?
A. Low pressure to high pressure
B. High pressure to low pressure
C. Only low pressure
D. Only high pressure
Freezing point of water is__________?
A. 0 °C
B. -2 °C
C. -4 °C
D. None of above
The melting point of ice is_________?
A. 00C
B. 1000C
C. 40C
How many Dynes are there in one gram weight?
A. 993
B. 981
C. 250
D. 375
“Ornithology” is the study of_____________?
A. Birds
B. Insects
C. Sea Plants
D. Sea Animals
‘Bar’ is the unit of___________?
A. Temperature
B. Heat
C. Atmospheric pressure
D. Current
One Joule is equal to__________?
A. 105 ergs
B. 103 ergs
C. 107 ergs
D. 1011 ergs
Scientist discovered a previously undetected feature of the human Anatomy that could be the largest organ of human body?
A. Brass
B. Pectora
C. Interstitium
D. Otic
Which of the following does not pollute the air?
A. Nitrogen Dioxide
B. Sulfur dioxide
C. Carbon dioxide
D. none of these
kilohertz (kHz) is a unit which measures?
A. Power used by a current of one ampere
B. Electromagnetic radio wave frequencies
C. Voltage
D. Electric resistance
The study of heavenly bodies is known as_________?
A. Astrology
B. Astronautics
C. Astronomy
D. Astrophysics
Jupiter has ________ known moons.
A. 62
B. 73
C. 79
In 2013, Planck measured the age of the universe at ___________?
A. 13.82 billion years
B. 4.53 billion years
C. 4.6 billion years
D. 4.53 billion years
Human beings use _______ liters of pure oxygen per day.
A. 550
B. 2500
C. 1,050
D. 10,000
The yellow colour in photochemical smog is due to the presence of____________?
A. Sulphur dioxide
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Nitrogen dioxide
D. CFC’s
Why normal rain is slightly acidic?
A. due to presence of dust in air
B. carbon dioxide and water in clouds react to form carbonic acid
C. Ozone depletion
D. All of these
Disolved oxygen (DO) in water should be?
A. 400 to 800 ppm
B. 4000 to 8000 ppm
C. 0.4 to 0.5 ppm
D. 4 to 5 ppm
Montreal Protocol 1987 was__________?
A. Treaty among nations to reduce nuclear arsenals
B. Climate control treaty
C. Treaty to protect ozone layer
D. Trade policy about tarrifs
How many meters are in one mile?
A. 1409.34
B. 1509.34
C. 1609.34
D. None of Above
As a result of which treaty, ozone hole in Antarctica is slowly healing?
A. Koyoto protocol
B. Ottawa treaty
C. Montreal protocol
D. Oslo Accord
The main culprit of greenhouse effect is Carbon dioxide. But which is the second element contributing most to greenhouse effect
A. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
B. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
C. Methane (CH4)
D. High-fructose corn syrup (HFCs)
Chemical Name of Dry Ice?
A. Solid Carbon Dioxide
B. Calcium Carbon
C. A&B
D. Sodium Oxide
Moon is a__________?
A. Star
B. Planet
C. A & B
D. Satellite
The scientific study of measurement is known as __________?
A. Entomology
B. Metrology
C. Ichthyology
D. Ecology
The study of organisms and their environment is known as ________?
A. Acoustics
B. Ecology
C. Ichthyology
D. None of these
The scientific study of insects is known as _______?
A. Ichthyology
B. Entomology
C. Zoology
D. Botany
The study of fish is known as ________?
A. Entomology
B. Ichthyology
C. Ecology
D. None of these
White bloods cells are also known as________?
A. Thrombocytes
B. Leucocytes
C. Erythrocytes
D. None of These
Frozen dew is also known as________?
A. Frost
B. Black ice
C. Frozen ice
D. Black hail
A body of land that is surrounded by water on three sides is called________?
A. Strait
B. Bay
C. Peninsula
D. Gulf
When a single month has two full moons, the second moon is called________?
A. Super moon
B. Blue moon
C. Super blue moon
D. Red moon
Density of Milk is________?
A. 1.024 g/cm3
B. 1.034 g/cm3
C. 1.044 g/cm3
D. 1.054 g/cm3


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