AIOU Solved Assignments Cost Accounting 444 Autumn 2022
AIOU Solved Assignments Cost Accounting 444 Autumn 2022

Differentiate between social group and association

Differentiate between social group and association.

What are the positive and negative aspects of group dynamics? Explain.                                         

The points of difference between social groups and associations are given below:-

1) Society is a system of social relationships whereas an association is a group of people.

2) Society is abstract. It cannot be seen or touched. But the association is concrete.

3) Society is natural, but associations are artificial. It is deliberately formed by the people for achievements of some definite interests.

4) Society may be organized or unorganized but the association must be organized.

5) Membership of the society is compulsory. Man cannot live without society. On the other hand, membership in an association is voluntary. The man many live without being a member of any association at all.

6) Society is marked by both co-operation and conflict whereas the association is based on co-operation alone.

7) Society is almost permanent. It will exist as long as man exists. But association may be transitory.

8) Society comprehends all conscious and unconscious relations. But the basis of the association consists of conscious feeling and thought.

9) The aim of society in general. It comes into existence for the general well-being of individuals. But the aim of the association is particular. An association is formed for the pursuit of some particular purpose or purpose.

10) Society is older than the association. It comes into existence since men appeared on the earth. But association arose at a later stage when people learned to organize themselves for the pursuit of some particular purpose.

11) Society is an end in itself. Association, on the other hand, is merely a means to an end.

Group leaders and team members can contribute to a negative group dynamic. Let’s look at some of the most common problems that can occur:

  • Weak leadership: when a team lacks a strong leader, a more dominant member of the group can often take charge. This can lead to a lack of direction, infighting, or a focus on the wrong priorities.
  • Excessive deference to authority: this can happen when people want to be seen to agree with a leader, and therefore hold back from expressing their own opinions.
  • Blocking: this happens when team members behave in a way that disrupts the flow of information in the group. People can adopt blocking roles such as:
  • The aggressor: this person often disagrees with others, or is inappropriately outspoken.
  • The negator: this group member is often critical of others’ ideas.
  • The withdrawer: this person doesn’t participate in the discussion.
  • The recognition seeker: this group member is boastful, or dominates the session.
  • The joker: this person introduces humor at inappropriate times.
  • Groupthinkthis happens when people place a desire for consensus above their desire to reach the right decision. This prevents people from fully exploring alternative solutions.
  • Freeriding: here, some group members take it easy, and leave their colleagues to do all the work. Free riders may work hard on their own, but limit their contributions in group situations; this is known as “social loafing.”
  • Evaluation apprehension: team members’ perceptions can also create a negative group dynamic. Evaluation apprehension happens when people feel that they are being judged excessively harshly by other group members, and they hold back their opinions as a result.

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