AIOU Teaching Practice II Lesson Plans 6555 Biology
AIOU Teaching Practice II Lesson Plans 6555 Biology



Stamflay Solutions

1)   What is special education?

“A form of learning provided to students with exceptional needs, such as students with learning disabilities or mental challenges. An example

of special education is the type of reading help that is provided to a student who is dyslexic.”

2)   What is meant by special needs?

“Any of various difficulties (such as a physical, emotional, behavioral, or learning disability or impairment) that causes an individual to require additional or specialized services or accommodations (such as in education or recreation)”

3)   What is meant by hearing?

“The process, function, or power of perceiving sound is called hearing”

4)   What is a handicap?

“A disadvantage for a given individual that limits or prevents the fulfillment of a role that is normal is called handicap”

5)   What is impairment?

“Any loss or abnormality of a psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function is called impairment”

6)   What is meant by disability?

“Any restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment) of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being.”

7)   What is meant by IEP?

“Individual education planning (IEP) is the process whereby teachers, support personnel, and parents work together as a team to meet the needs of individual students who require a range of supports”

8)   What are the steps of the IEP process?

1: Gathering and Sharing Information 2: Setting Direction:

3: Developing and Writing the IEP:

4: Implementing and Reviewing the IEP:

  • What are the mean components of IEP?
    • student identification and background information current levels of performance that reflect the team
    • consensus on the student’s abilities and needs
    • student-specific outcomes or goals
    • performance objectives
    • teaching methods, materials, and strategies
    • the names of team members who will implement the IEP, and the setting(s)
    • where it will be implemented
  • plans and timelines for evaluation and review stages

10)   What is a lesson plan?

“A lesson plan is a teacher’s detailed description of the course of instruction or “learning trajectory” for a lesson. A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide class learning. Details will vary depending on the preference of the teacher, subject being covered, and the needs of the students.”

11)   What is hearing impairment?

“Any loss in which a person cannot hear the voices is called the hearing


12)   What is an audiogram?

“A graph which shows the degree of hearing loss is called audiogram”

  • What are parts of hearing aids?

What are the functions of the Eustachian tube?

The Eustachian tube is a canal that connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx which consists of the upper throat and the back of the nasal cavity. It controls the pressure within the middle ear, making it equal with the air pressure outside the body.”

15)   How to measure intensity.

The international measuring unit of intensity is decibels it is defined as

“a unit used to measure a power level of an electronic signal by comparing it with a given level on a logarithmic level ”

  • What is the frequency?

“The rate per second of a vibration constituting a wave either in a material or in an electromagnetic field”

  • What is intensity?

The measurable amount of a property, such as force, brightness, or a magnetic field.

“hydrothermal processes of low intensity”

  • What do you mean by residual hearing?

“That hearing ability which remaining after the degree of hearing loss”

19)   What is mainstreaming?

“A type of education in which special children get an education with a normal childhood for a specific period of time is called mainstreaming “

20)   What is inclusive education?

“A learning environment that promotes the full personal academic and professional development of all learners irrespective of race class disability“

21)     What is the role of a speech therapist?

“Speech therapist is a person who treated diagnosis speech problem and finds out its solution to overcome speech problems”

22)   What is the smallest bone of the ear?

“Strip is a small bone of ear it consists of the three ossicles in the middle ear the stapes is a stripped shaped bone”

23)   What is meant by the total communication method?

“Total communication method is a method which helps a teacher to teach the hearing impaired children”

This method Is consists of oral-aural and manual sign language

24)     What is the oval window?

“The oval window is a membrane-covered opening that leads from the

middle ear to the vestibule of the inner ear “

25)   What is the difference between summative and formative evaluation.?

  1. Formative evaluation

“The formative evaluation of individualized education plan is an evaluation which done after six months to check the initial processes of student progress “

  1. Summative evaluation

“The summative evaluation of individualized education plan is an evaluation which helps the students progress after six months of students progress”

It means that these formative and summative evaluations are done one by one.

26)   What is mastoid bone?

“The mastoid process is the portion of the temporal bone of the skull that is behind the ear the mastoid process contain open, air-containing space”

27)   What is meant by audiology?

“The branch of science which deal with diagnosing treating and balancing hearing loss is called audiology”

28)   What is conductive hearing loss?

“A type of hearing loss which occur due to disturbance in middle ear and injury in three bones is called the conductive hearing loss”

29)   What are the types of hearing aids which are used?

There are three types of hearing aids BTE (behind the hearing aid)

ITE (in the ear)

CTC (completely in the canal)

30)   What is masking?

Masking is a procedure audiologist’s use while testing to separate the two ears, acoustically…………… Instead, noise is introduced to one ear while the other

ear is tested with a tone (or speech signal). To indicate that the hearing thresholds were obtained using masking, masked threshold symbols are used on the audiogram

31)   What is pre-lingual hearing loss?

A prelingual deaf individual is someone who was born with a hearing loss, or whose hearing loss occurred before they began to speak. Infants usually start saying their first words around one year. Therefore a prelingually deaf typically were either born deaf or lost their hearing before the age of one (the age when a most hearing loss in children occurs). Congenital (present at birth) hearing loss is also considered prelingually since a newborn infant has not acquired speech and language.

32)   What is post-hearing loss?

“Post-lingual deafness is deafness which develops after the acquisition of speech and language, usually after the age of six. Post-lingual hearing impairments are far more common than prelingual deafness. Typically, hearing loss is gradual and often detected by family and friends of the people so affected long before the patients themselves will acknowledge the disability.”

33)   What is Air conduction test?

“Air conduction test is a type of test which conducts to diagnose the air passes through air canal”

34)     What is the bone conduction test.?

“Bone conduction test is a test which checks the bone injury of the middle ear is called bone conduction test”

35)     What is pure tone voice/audiometry?

  1. Pure tone voice

“a voice which produces for the first time is called pure tone ”

  1. Pure tone audiometry

“A type of test which use to check the degree of hearing loss is called pure tone audiometry”

36)     What is tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a perception of noise or singing in the air, a common problem tinnitus affects about 15 to 20 percent of people.

37)   What are the parts of the ear?

There are three parts of the ear are like

  1. Outer ear
  2. Middle ear
  3. Inner ear

38)   What is meant by lip reading?

“The movements of lips is called lip-reading profound hearing loss children learn through lip-reading “

39)     What is mean auditory tanning?

“A training which helps in improvement of residual hearing is called auditory training”

The processes of auditory training consist of the following steps Awareness of sound

Phonetic listening Syllables

40)   What are the sages of piglet’s cognitive hearing loss?

Psychosexual stage Concrete operational stage Formal operational stage Preoperational stage

41)   What is social maturity?

“Willingness of an individual to take responsibility for developing his/her community”

42)   What is mean intelligence?

“The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and use skills for doing work is called intelligence”

43)   What is mean by syndrome?

“A syndrome is a set of medical signs and symptoms that are correlated with each and then often with particular diseases or disorder”

44)   What is mean by cerebral palsy?

“A cerebral palsy is a group of the permanent that appear in early childhood signs and symptoms varies among people and over time”

45)   What is meant ear mold?

“A part of hearing aid which fit in-ear is called ear mold. Earmold builds according to size and shape”

46)   What is reverberation?

“Reverberation in psychotics and acoustics is a persistence of sound after the sound is produced”

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